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Bench With A View Photograph by Carolyn Marshall

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Comments (13)

Terry Weaver

Terry Weaver

Congrats on making it to the 2nd round of the National TV contest :)

Carolyn Marshall replied:

Thanks so much, Terry. The selections there are awesome! I feel very honored to be there.

Chikako Hashimoto Lichnowsky

Chikako Hashimoto Lichnowsky

Yes~! Nice photo ,,, I would like to find out some nice ideas while sitting on this bench..... You got my vote in TV contest~! f/v

Carolyn Marshall replied:

Thank you so much! I only need 105 votes now, :-) Appreciate your comment and help with vote.

Gary Holmes

Gary Holmes

Very nice shot. VF and voted on the TV contest. Good luck.

Carolyn Marshall replied:

Thank you so much, Gary. I appreciate your comment. I'm about 176 votes away from getting to the next level with this image in the contest. That's a lot of votes, so your vote is very much appreciated.

Kay Novy

Kay Novy

Excellent work, you got my vote in TV contest...v.f.

Carolyn Marshall replied:

Appreciate your comments and votes in my images, Kay. Thanks!

Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson

Very nice....voted for in the TV Contest :-)

Carolyn Marshall replied:

Thank you so much, Chris. Appreciate the vote, too.

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thank you, Charles. Yes, I have sat down there many times watching the sun go down and taking pictures. It's beautiful.

Charles Dana

Charles Dana

Always love park benches. The appears to nice capture this serene spot where one can excape the woes of life for a few minutes.

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thank you, James. This is a wonderful place and sit, even if you aren't taking photos!

James Eddy

James Eddy

Calming and peaceful scene. It definitely invites me to sit. I like the vignette.

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thank you, Sabrina. I love this spot.

Sabrina Ryan

Sabrina Ryan

Beautiful view captured, Carolyn!

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

I have done that, Diannah. Have gone to this part at 2 pm and didn't leave until 7 pm.

Diannah Lynch

Diannah Lynch

My kind of spot...could just sit there and stare at the water and trees for hours! Beautiful, Carolyn!

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Bench With A View by Carolyn Marshall
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