Southern Oak Tree
by Carolyn Marshall
Southern Oak Tree
Carolyn Marshall
Sun shines through the moss hanging in this beautiful southern oak tree in Florida. White picket fence accentuates the property.
December 16th, 2011
Comments (9)
Karin Outen
Reminds me of the moss lined trees on our drives to my aunt's inlet house in Shallote, NC and where we lived for a short time in Murrell's Inlet SC. Love moss lined trees. Where was this taken Carolyn?
Carolyn Marshall replied:
Thank you so much, Karin. Yes, I live in Florida and they are everywhere! This particular image was taken at Edward Medard Park in Plant City, Florida. It's an absolutely HUGE but amazing natural park.
Robert Thornton
I can imagine. On my list of future things to draw is another Southern themed one with Spanish moss. Perhaps I will try to capture that moment when the sun hits it just right.
Robert Thornton
I love the Spanish Moss. Brings back many memories I had living in Georgia. Beautiful shot!
Carolyn Marshall replied:
Thanks! Spanish Moss is even more gorgeous when you catch the sun at the right time.