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A Foggy Sunrise Photograph by Carolyn Marshall

Comments (14)

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thank you Carol, Ann and Mary for taking time to comment. What a gloriously peaceful time of the day to be shooting.

Mary Bedy

Mary Bedy

Nice atmospheric layers in this one, Carolyn. Nicely done.

Ann Horn

Ann Horn

A perfectly stunning atmospheric image, Carolyn.

Carol Groenen

Carol Groenen

I find that sun mesmerizing. Beautiful shot, Carolyn!

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Appreciate your comments, Odd. Thank you.

Odd Jeppesen

Odd Jeppesen

Beautiful work.

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thanks, Nancy. Next time ... longer lens!

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thank you, Byron. I appreciate your compliment.

Byron Varvarigos

Byron Varvarigos

Beautiful composition, Carolyn, perfect exposure!

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thanks, Nancy. I'm finally getting around to editing and posting some of the shots from Circle Bar-B. Got quite a few to go. Will probably take me until the first of next week to get through the rest of them. :-)

Carolyn Marshall

Carolyn Marshall

Thanks, Deborah! This was the first time I had attempted shooting this early in the morning AND in fog. That's not as easy as it may sound. :-)

Deborah Benoit

Deborah Benoit

Beautiful Carolyn!!

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A Foggy Sunrise by Carolyn Marshall
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